
Boston Lifestyle

Boston Moms is the premier online destination for parents and families living in or visiting Boston. We provide a variety of lifestyle resources tailored to meet the needs and interests of the modern family. From thought-provoking articles and blogs written by local moms to a robust events calendar, Boston Moms offers valuable insights and information on navigating family life in our bustling city.

The website prides itself on fostering a tight-knit community spirit, offering a supportive space where parents can share experiences, advice, and tips on everything from childcare and education to weekend activities and local businesses. Whether you’re searching for the best parks for a family picnic, navigating the local school system, or looking for family-friendly events happening around the city, is your go-to guide.

In addition to practical advice, also serves as a platform for highlighting local businesses and services that cater to families, including Boston’s Best Kid Friendly Outdoor Dining Spots, best spots for soup in the winter months and cool places in Boston to bond with your kids. With its comprehensive and user-friendly interface, Boston Moms ensures that families have immediate access to events, articles, and resources that are relevant and beneficial to their daily lives.

Boston Moms is more than just a website; it’s a lifestyle resource that truly understands the dynamics of parenting in the city. We aim to speak to hearts of moms looking for support, community, and information, making it an indispensable part of the Boston family experience. Whether you’re a long-time resident or new to the area, Boston Moms welcomes you into its community with open arms, ready to help you make the most of family life in Boston.

I like to think my ability to "mom" exists on a spectrum — the "mom continuum." I have days where I feel like I have it all together. Lunches? Prepped. Laundry? Folded and put away. Dinner? Home cooked and...
As my twins are bolting into toddlerhood (literally), I find that we need different survival tools to get through the days.
Summer is here, and body-shaming memes are starting to go viral. It’s no surprise “summer bod vibes” are in full effect here in Boston. We live in a fit-centric city, where 90% of fashion trendsetters on the train are...
Since this is World Breastfeeding Week, let’s take a moment to reflect that in other parts of the world, nursing without a cover wouldn’t even be a debate.
"Mommy, I want the car!" Those are the five most dreaded words any mom can hear when entering the grocery store. Here are the people you can expect to see when you're lucky (or brave) enough to tackle the cute little car cart. 
days are long years are short - Boston Moms Blog

Just Like That

I’ve reached the point in motherhood, now five years in, where the oft-repeated adage, "The days are long, but the years are short" is really starting to show itself in full color to me, each and every day. When I began this journey, I did not have the faintest clue about how the carousel of time would carry my children and me around and around, up and down, from different emotions and milestones, every second of every single day.
Pregnancy is a special time. A woman's body is going through so many changes in order to support and nurture new life. And, let's be honest, a lot of those changes suck, particularly in the third trimester. If you're currently in the third trimester, I hope you can identify with (and laugh about) some of these "special" changes. If you're in the earlier stages of pregnancy, here are some things you can look forward to. (And if your pregnancies are behind you, you can nod knowingly and be glad these things are in your past.) 
As soon as I became pregnant with number four, we gave in to the call of the minivan, started looking for a bigger house, and began researching large families. I knew I was going to have to uncover some secrets and learn the ropes of managing our new, larger family. While I haven’t quite found or mastered all the tricks, here are a few I’ve come to rely on.
Kids who spend more time playing outside are better creative problem solvers and have improved focus and cognitive skills. It can be tough to resist the urge to let screens do the work, but summer is the perfect time to get out and get those bodies moving!
"A few years ago I had a BIG health scare. I had been complaining of excruciating and unexplainable headaches. Previously, I hadn't experienced many headaches, aside from my pregnancy a few years prior. Every time one would hit, I would head to my doctor's office. And every time, they would dismiss it, telling me it was a tension or stress headache. But it wasn't. I had pseudotumor cerebri, or intracranial hypertension."
power pose - Boston Moms

Power Poses for Moms

This got me thinking — I wonder if there's a power pose equivalent for moms? Sure, we're good at talking ourselves up to other moms. We're good at pretending we have everything together and know all the answers. But have an honest conversation with almost any mama, and she'll readily confess that it's mostly smoke and mirrors.
The view from the glider in my daughter’s bedroom shows a map of the world. Though I bought the map to inspire a sense of adventure for her, it has become meaningful to me as a source of connection....

In Case You Missed It..

5 Concerts to Take Your Kids to (That Aren’t Kids Bands!)

Live music is a fantastic experience, no matter your age! Who doesn't remember the excitement of seeing a band perform live on stage for the first time? Taking your kids to a live concert can be a bit tricky, though. There is only so much Kidz Bop a parent can take. But is a "real" concert going to be family friendly? Here are a few bands that put on a great show that will be loved by both the parents and the kids alike!