

Couple Holding Hands - Relationships- Boston MomsBeing a good mom involves more than just taking care of the kids. It’s about creating a nurturing environment where emotions can be expressed, issues can be resolved, and happiness prevails. This is no easy task, especially with the everyday stresses of life. That’s why maintaining strong and healthy marriages and relationships is crucial for moms.

At Boston Mom, we know the importance of fostering strong relationships, especially in motherhood. We aim to provide valuable insights on how to build and strengthen the bonds we have with our loved ones. Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy can be challenging, but it can also be enjoyable and thrilling. We share favorite Boston date night restaurants or if you prefer to stay in, we share at-home date night ideas! Looking to bond with your children? Boston has a variety of cool places for toddlers to teens to nurture the parent-child relationship

We also offer advice on maintaining a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s finding new people to connect with or staying connected to long distance friends. Additionally, we provide tips on finding time for marriage and relationships while juggling a busy schedule.

Our team of over 30 writers delivers thought-provoking content on relationships that brings hope in difficult times, supports friendships and marriages during motherhood. 

When I was 19 I went on vacation to Italy with two girlfriends. In Catania, in a hostel in the middle of a fish market, we met an Australian guy and girl — cousins — who were backpacking through...
Our family had gone bonkers, as far as I was concerned. The newest was born, and with him came new and frequent family conflict. Outside of the house, we were fine. Under the backdrop of sunny park days and...
Who else looks forward to the holiday season every year, completely forgetting the push and pull that comes with being a mom? Who else gets excited about all the "free" time that comes with time off work and the kids...
I always thought I would be such an open and accepting parent. Parenting takes a lot of understanding and compassion, and I felt really ready to support my children in any possible way. Maybe I didn’t have all the...
In the last 10 years, I have moved from my hometown to go to college, again to begin my career, and yet again to join my husband as he went back to school. In that time, my mom also moved from...
No parent likes to see her kid fail. I consider myself a calculated risk taker. And yet, when I became a mom, the worrier blossomed in me. When my son was born, I felt like my heart sprouted two legs and started walking (or rather,...

Simplifying Gift Giving

Christmastime is the most wonderful time of year, but it can quickly take over all your hard-earned savings and lead to a significant amount of stress. Year after year, my husband and I have followed a Pinterest-inspired idea that...
I’m well aware of the statistics on you, second marriage. We are even more likely to fail than a first marriage because, to summarize the hundreds of internet articles on the subject, we have even more complexities than does a first marriage, with even less of the 'glue' that can hold together a shaky union.
A very loose parody of "Wannabe" by Spice Girls: I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want... If you want to be my partner, it's super sexy if you know our kids' schedules. Details don't last forever, but they...
I'm angry. I'm sad. I'm disappointed. I'm mad. This Bill Cosby news is awful. I remember car trips with my parents and brother. We listened to cassette tapes of Bill Cosby's stand-up comedy. The humor made the car trips more...
The third day of my third daughter's life was the hardest of mine. It started with a ringing. My dad's phone. I heard it on the baby monitor, and I heard my dad's strangled voice: "What?!" And my heart stopped. I...
Before I taught mediation, I had no qualms about throwing out an "I'm sorry" whenever the words came to mind. During training I always included a section on apologies, because they can be an amazingly powerful part of the...

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