Pregnancy & Postpartum

Pregnancy and Postpartum: Boston Moms

Congratulations on the exciting journey of pregnancy and the upcoming arrival of your little one! This is a time filled with anticipation as you prepare to welcome a new life into the world. While it can feel overwhelming, especially for new moms, Boston Moms is a hub of resources from selecting care providers to finding the perfect baby gear.

At Boston Moms, our team of over 30 contributors offer support and share their experiences in navigating pregnancy and postpartum. We have a dedicated All Things Baby Guide for pregnancy, postpartum and newborn care. From what you need for baby (and what you don’t). Whether you are a first-time mom or expecting another addition to your family, we have you covered.

Preparing for a baby and embracing motherhood can be a whirlwind, but being in Boston has its advantages. This vibrant city offers a wealth of resources, including renowned hospitals and birthing centers where you and your baby will receive exceptional care along with prenatal yoga options for mom’s well being.

Boston Moms is here to support you through all of the ups and downs of pregnancy and postpartum. And when you are enjoying those newborn snuggles tune into our podcast, Wicked Good Momcast for additional resources for new moms!

Mother's Day is on May 8 this year, and the upcoming holiday has us all reminiscing about the various ways we became mothers. Here is one such birth story. My colleagues used to tease me that I treated pregnancy like...
Six years ago we brought our oldest son home from the hospital. Hours later, I sat in my living room, trying to help him latch. My cat plopped down in front of me and started lazily licking herself. She...
As we count down the weeks until baby number two joins us, my husband and I have been reminiscing about the newborn days. You know, that cute, squishy phase where all they do is eat, sleep, poop, pee, repeat? No toys,...
The most challenging part for vertically challenged me has been finding maternity clothes. If you're short, you're truly swimming in anything you try on.
When I made the decision to exclusively pump with my first son, I struggled to find information, tips, and tricks. I did a lot of things wrong. My second time around, I not only had my own struggles to build upon, but a growing number of resources online and more lactation consultants informed about its best practices. Here's what I have learned from two exclusive-pumping journeys.
At two years postpartum, I still don’t feel quite like myself. I carry extra baby weight, but it isn’t physical. It’s the weight of motherhood.
I love surprises. I love experiencing surprises, and I love keeping surprises even more. We were astonished in November when we discovered we were expecting our third baby. As my due date is right around the corner, I wanted to...
Hooray! You're pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or recently had a baby. Now what? Pregnancy and postpartum can be filled with so much excitement and joy, but it can also be overwhelming to try to make the best decisions for your growing family. From prenatal and postpartum support to newborn nighttime challenges to pelvic floor therapy and nutrition, this guide has it all.
When my friends tell me they feel guilty when they're working or they worry they don't "do enough" as a stay-at-home mom, I tell them I understand. But in truth, I do not feel "mom guilt" — even when...
We all have some version of a 10K in our lives. We all have a challenge ahead of us that we can use to break through the maternal wall. And we can shatter all the ideas out there that limit us as women who happen to also be moms. I hope my story will inspire you to find out what your 10K is and decide that you will get through it and come out stronger than when you started. I know you can.
By my third pregnancy, you would think I'd have a pretty killer maternity wardrobe — but it's just not the case! My body has changed a lot (thank you, CrossFit!), and the clothes that used to fit now swim on me....
I agonized over this decision. I didn't want surgery if I didn't need it. And I appreciated the lack of pressure from my doctor. Medically, she said the result of labor would probably be the same as my first and end in C-section. But it might not, so it was up to me.

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