A few days after I moved to Massachusetts, my in-laws brought my 6-month-old son and me into Boston to play tourist in our new city. As is the case with many babies, my son needed to nurse several times throughout...
Parenthood often feels like rapid-fire problem solving — especially those first few months with a newborn. Even the most minor tasks are made challenging with a newborn. But every year there are new baby products hitting the market that...
I've had three very different birth experiences. With my first, I was induced since baby was very comfortable in there. With my second, I had a scheduled C-section since she was breech and not willing to turn. For my most...
Six years ago we brought our oldest son home from the hospital. Hours later, I sat in my living room, trying to help him latch. My cat plopped down in front of me and started lazily licking herself. She...
As we count down the weeks until baby number two joins us, my husband and I have been reminiscing about the newborn days. You know, that cute, squishy phase where all they do is eat, sleep, poop, pee, repeat? No toys,...
Before I was ever pregnant, I declared to my husband that I would not be breastfeeding. It just seemed a little too weird.  Fast forward, and by the time I was holding a baby in my arms, I was adamant...
We’re in the midst of one of my favorite times of the year — wedding season. And as someone who absolutely loves attending weddings, I’m beyond excited for three family members and friends who are getting hitched this year! Over the past...
Moms everywhere agree: Pumping sucks! It can be painful at first, it's time-consuming, and it can be hard to find a comfortable, discreet place to do it. And the cleaning — there are so many parts to clean! When my...
A few weeks ago my son turned 4 months old. A day later, I started a new job — and I entered a new stage of motherhood that centers around pumping. I should say that from the outset, my...
More than a few experienced parents told me to skip putting newborn clothes and newborn-size diapers on my baby registry. I listened because I’m a bit of a minimalist mama, and I wanted to avoid filling my small New...
Pregnancy presents many challenges, one of which is getting dressed each day. Dressing a growing baby bump isn't easy. But the wardrobe challenges don't end when your baby is born. When you're nursing, getting dressed means your breasts must be accessible any time,...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it's good timing, because I have boobs on the brain. Namely, my own boobs. (Although I'm sure yours are quite nice.) Considering their utility alone, my boobs have served me well over...

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