

Couple Holding Hands - Relationships- Boston MomsBeing a good mom involves more than just taking care of the kids. It’s about creating a nurturing environment where emotions can be expressed, issues can be resolved, and happiness prevails. This is no easy task, especially with the everyday stresses of life. That’s why maintaining strong and healthy marriages and relationships is crucial for moms.

At Boston Mom, we know the importance of fostering strong relationships, especially in motherhood. We aim to provide valuable insights on how to build and strengthen the bonds we have with our loved ones. Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy can be challenging, but it can also be enjoyable and thrilling. We share favorite Boston date night restaurants or if you prefer to stay in, we share at-home date night ideas! Looking to bond with your children? Boston has a variety of cool places for toddlers to teens to nurture the parent-child relationship

We also offer advice on maintaining a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s finding new people to connect with or staying connected to long distance friends. Additionally, we provide tips on finding time for marriage and relationships while juggling a busy schedule.

Our team of over 30 writers delivers thought-provoking content on relationships that brings hope in difficult times, supports friendships and marriages during motherhood. 

All this love on Facebook and Instagram leading up to Valentine's Day has me reminiscing on the early days of my marriage. Back when we were young and wild and free. Oh my gosh it was the worst. It was September of...
As a mom to a kindergartener, it's kind of like I started real school this year, too. And I have a lot to learn. About arriving before the first bell. About how to find the main office and the...
I got my first real taste of obstinate misbehavior when my son turned 3. Whoever coined the term "terrible twos" never had a 3-year-old, because when my son crossed the chasm between 2 and 3 he became a boundaries-be-damned,...
'Tis the season for resolutions, often around organizing and healthy living (two of my favorite topics!). This year for me is about taking care of myself and connecting with people I love. I also want to work hard to...
Everyone said, "Having two is hard, but when your second is born you'll love them both more than you ever imagined you could." For me, it just wasn't true. When my second daughter was born, I was smitten. It was the...
Being a kid is no easy task. Being a kid in Boston? Well, that's a whole different ball game. Bostonians are a certain kind of tough, and our kids are no exception. Between our crazy weather, local foods, wacky roads,...
Dear husband, If I die, please don't leave the pizza box warming in the oven at 350 degrees. Remember: "Stinky? Hungry? Tired?" if the baby is crying. Don't buy the Target-brand formula — that stuff is barf central. Take time to be away...
When my son was a newborn, I spent my days sitting around with friends and their babies, swapping stories and pieces of advice on everything from feeding and sleep to choosing childcare and the right fuzzy booties. Truth be told,...
Let's talk about sex. Can we? Because it's been on my mind lately. Yes, I'm just like a teenage boy these days: All I can think about is getting laid. Except when I'm thinking about not getting laid. Like when...
This post is for my sister. We have our differences, but one of the strands that ties us together is that we are both mothers. Your two boys are now entering adolescence, while I spend my days waddling around after a...

Bad Moms Unite!

I was at an art class recently with my two kids. A little girl in the class hit her forehead on the corner of a bookcase, and within seconds a huge goose egg formed. Amidst lots of crying, the teacher asked...
She didn't always make my life difficult. In fact, I think she used to like me. When my husband and I were dating, his mother expressed her excitement that her son had found me. I'm not sure when the switch...

In Case You Missed It..