Pregnancy & Postpartum

Pregnancy and Postpartum: Boston Moms

Congratulations on the exciting journey of pregnancy and the upcoming arrival of your little one! This is a time filled with anticipation as you prepare to welcome a new life into the world. While it can feel overwhelming, especially for new moms, Boston Moms is a hub of resources from selecting care providers to finding the perfect baby gear.

At Boston Moms, our team of over 30 contributors offer support and share their experiences in navigating pregnancy and postpartum. We have a dedicated All Things Baby Guide for pregnancy, postpartum and newborn care. From what you need for baby (and what you don’t). Whether you are a first-time mom or expecting another addition to your family, we have you covered.

Preparing for a baby and embracing motherhood can be a whirlwind, but being in Boston has its advantages. This vibrant city offers a wealth of resources, including renowned hospitals and birthing centers where you and your baby will receive exceptional care along with prenatal yoga options for mom’s well being.

Boston Moms is here to support you through all of the ups and downs of pregnancy and postpartum. And when you are enjoying those newborn snuggles tune into our podcast, Wicked Good Momcast for additional resources for new moms!

During the 10th week of my third pregnancy, I was starting to feel really guilty. My two boys, ages 4 and 2, had spent most of their summer inside, watching television, while I lay on the couch and tried...
When my husband and I decided to have our third child, we did so knowing it would be our last. We were already overwhelmed with our 5-year-old autistic son and our extremely active and demanding 2-year-old daughter. Having already...
I exclusively breastfed both of my children. It was a commitment I made, and I'm proud of myself for doing it. But if anyone asks, I downplay it. I joke that it's cheaper than formula, or that I'm just...
Six years ago we brought our oldest son home from the hospital. Hours later, I sat in my living room, trying to help him latch. My cat plopped down in front of me and started lazily licking herself. She...
If something that happens to one out of every 200 women were to happen to me, why couldn't it be winning the lottery? No, instead of gaining a couple thousand dollars in my bank account, I was the one in...
I love surprises. I love experiencing surprises, and I love keeping surprises even more. We were astonished in November when we discovered we were expecting our third baby. As my due date is right around the corner, I wanted to...
At the end of March, my baby daughter caught that horrible cold that was going around. She had a fever and was so full of snot she could barely breathe through her nose. Nursing was tough for her, and...
Thinking about using a doula for your next childbirth experience? Check out the Boston Moms Blog guide to doulas in Boston!
There are a ridiculous amount of weird things that happen to a body during a pregnancy. A gal should receive a certificate or something after going through nine months of gestation with the litany of multisyllabic words and phrases...
Spring is officially here, and we would argue that Boston has the greatest spring around. The trees are blooming and there's so much to see and do!
The nursery is being transformed. This room, formerly awash with blues, greens, and monster stickers on the wall, now boasts pink accents and flowers. Tiny dresses are hanging in the closet. For the last year it has lain dormant,...
Reading is my thing. More than writing is my thing, really, because I can always read and it always makes me feel more whole and centered; whereas writing can often make me feel fidgety and unsettled. With reading, someone else...

In Case You Missed It..

5 Concerts to Take Your Kids to (That Aren’t Kids Bands!)

Live music is a fantastic experience, no matter your age! Who doesn't remember the excitement of seeing a band perform live on stage for the first time? Taking your kids to a live concert can be a bit tricky, though. There is only so much Kidz Bop a parent can take. But is a "real" concert going to be family friendly? Here are a few bands that put on a great show that will be loved by both the parents and the kids alike!