
Parenting- Boston Moms

In an ideal world, parenting would be effortless, with a guide for every situation. However, we all know that’s not the reality. Each child is unique, requiring special love, care, and nurturing. So, without a parenting manual, what can you do? That’s where Boston Moms comes in. Our team consists of more than 40 contributors from different backgrounds and family structures, bringing a diverse range of experiences from various walks of life and parenthood.

Parenthood is an amazing journey, filled with challenges and beautiful moments. The anticipation and mixed emotions during pregnancy mark the beginning of this transformative experience. The newborn phase brings sleepless nights and countless diaper changes, but oh, the incomparable joy of witnessing your baby’s first smile! As your little one blossoms into a curious toddler, the journey transforms into a whirlwind of managing tantrums, fostering independence, and cherishing their first words and wobbly steps. The school years unveil a whole new spectrum of challenges, as you navigate the delicate balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and the intricate world of social development. And as the teenage phase unfolds, their identity takes shape, boundaries are established, and the need for open communication becomes paramount. Every stage of motherhood, though it can be tough, strengthens the unbreakable bond between a mom and her child.

Our goal at Boston Moms is to be there for you during every stage of parenthood, offering resources and support. Whether you need guidance or just someone to be there, we want to walk alongside you in your parenthood journey.

When I became a mom, I felt all the feels — extreme happiness, complete exhaustion, and anxiety that I had no idea what I was doing! I hadn't spent much time around babies, so in addition to turning to family and friends, I sought out the experts — via parenting books — for some sage parenting advice. Not one of these books has had all the answers for my parenting conundrums, but I do like reading about different perspectives and ideas on child development. Here are the books that have helped me parent my son through different stages of his life so far.
Winter is coming, which means cough, cold, and stomach bug season is upon us parents. We all do the best we can to protect our kids from the worst of the germs, but despite all the hand scrubbing and avoiding shared food and drinks, your kids will get sick. As a pharmacist's wife, I have learned a few useful tips and want to share the knowledge. 
When our first child was on the way, my husband and I started looking into saving for college for our baby. Yes, we started early. I was and still am daunted by the cost of college and how to save. As it turns out, figuring out the process isn't so bad. Coming up with the money is the more challenging part! 
Blippi, you are welcome to stay for as long as Gabe will have you. With each new video you post, new words appear in my son's vocabulary. You have been a bonus teacher to him, encouraging his growth in an engaging, toddler-appropriate way.
"Mommy, I want the car!" Those are the five most dreaded words any mom can hear when entering the grocery store. Here are the people you can expect to see when you're lucky (or brave) enough to tackle the cute little car cart. 
I like the idea that my family can choose something that’s important to us and make it part of our fabric, our story. When you’ve heard a family motto said over and over, those are the words that pop into your head when faced with an obstacle or in the midst of a dark day. Those are the words that guide you on your path — or help you get back on it. When your family can’t be right there with you, their words are.
My 5-year-old starts his first hockey program this weekend. He looks adorable in his too-big Boston Bruins jersey and tiny ice skates. He skated for the first time just before he turned 2. But this month his skate shuffles have turned into glides, and he's no longer afraid of falling (and can get up on his own!) because of all that protective gear. He's ready. But am I ready to become a hockey mom?
Now, in case you haven't heard, Fortnite is the latest video game craze. It is a first-person, battle-royale-style game that puts 100 people in real time on an island. The last one standing wins. Think of it as The Hunger Games without all the drama or blood. My son is really into it. And, to be honest, I am too. But my wife hates Fortnite. As do ALL the moms she talks to.
The decision to stay or leave isn’t easy. For years, I was afraid of the effects a divorce would have on her. But in reality, things got better.
heart hands - Boston Moms Blog

These Hands

Lately, I’ve been noticing my hands quite a bit — and how much they’ve changed in the five years since I first became a mother.
It starts at home: One out of three homes with children have guns. And 80% of unintentional firearm deaths of children under 15 occur in a home.
Our boys have never, not once, used a smartphone, tablet, or computer. We are raising tech-free kids.

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