

Couple Holding Hands - Relationships- Boston MomsBeing a good mom involves more than just taking care of the kids. It’s about creating a nurturing environment where emotions can be expressed, issues can be resolved, and happiness prevails. This is no easy task, especially with the everyday stresses of life. That’s why maintaining strong and healthy marriages and relationships is crucial for moms.

At Boston Mom, we know the importance of fostering strong relationships, especially in motherhood. We aim to provide valuable insights on how to build and strengthen the bonds we have with our loved ones. Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy can be challenging, but it can also be enjoyable and thrilling. We share favorite Boston date night restaurants or if you prefer to stay in, we share at-home date night ideas! Looking to bond with your children? Boston has a variety of cool places for toddlers to teens to nurture the parent-child relationship

We also offer advice on maintaining a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s finding new people to connect with or staying connected to long distance friends. Additionally, we provide tips on finding time for marriage and relationships while juggling a busy schedule.

Our team of over 30 writers delivers thought-provoking content on relationships that brings hope in difficult times, supports friendships and marriages during motherhood. 

My husband and I have five children and have been married for 15 years. A few years ago, we discovered that with busy lives and many routines, we were sinking into the abyss that is complacency. Nothing was bad;...
Know what no one tells you before you have kids? Snagging a seat at the restaurant's bar will no longer be an option, and a relaxing dinner out is simply not a thing with little ones in tow! And...
We recently got a story for my daughter called "Giraffes Can't Dance." Gerald the Giraffe loves music, but at the big jungle dance he just feels awkward and doesn't fit in. He meanders off sadly to find space to...
We Boston Moms Blog contributors got together recently on a Saturday morning, and let's just say, it didn't take long to start swapping mother-in-law (MIL) horror stories. There is just something dreadful about the comments and parenting advice that...
Our oldest child was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at the age of 2, exactly one week before I delivered our daughter. It was an intense thing to hear only days before our family was to multiply. But my...
I cherish my early mornings. Those minutes before the kids' wake-up clock turns green are all mine. They help me stay sane. Here’s a window into my "early to rise" mornings — or a week's worth of them, anyway — and what you can find me doing at 5:40 a.m. as I try to hold all the pieces together. This is not a tale of heroism. In fact, it might be a tale of foolishness. Though I bristle when I hear myself use the word "busy" to describe my life, here I am... busy. 
The first time my husband and I really traveled together was a trip to Las Vegas before we were married. I learned that he has particular pre-flight habits, including checking that his tray table works (thanks to "Final Destination")...
When I became a mom, I learned quickly that having kids means having anxiety. Motherhood is a state of constant worry: “Am I feeding them the right things?” “Should it be organic?” “Are they in enough classes?” “Are they in too few...
Before I became a mom, before I met my partner, I had an idea of the perfect dad. My husband is nothing like I imagined. Thinking forward to a hypothetical pregnancy, I pictured a partner who would excitedly make lists of...
Nurturing the relationship with your partner can be hard work. And we all know how elusive the date night can be — finding a babysitter and securing a dinner reservation can be enough of a logistical nightmare that we...
Back in March, when we were asked to stay home because of this "novel" coronavirus situation, most of us had no idea what we were in for. At first, when we thought we’d be home for a couple of...
This Mother’s Day? Please don’t ask me what I want. Don’t ask me to think. Don't leave it to me to plan the day. It's not even that I want to be left alone — it's not that I'm expecting...

In Case You Missed It..

My Kid Is Not On the Honor Roll — and I...

It's that time of year again. School graduations and parent-teacher conferences and awards ceremonies occur, and suddenly social media is flooded with pictures of...