Pregnancy & Postpartum

Pregnancy and Postpartum: Boston Moms

Congratulations on the exciting journey of pregnancy and the upcoming arrival of your little one! This is a time filled with anticipation as you prepare to welcome a new life into the world. While it can feel overwhelming, especially for new moms, Boston Moms is a hub of resources from selecting care providers to finding the perfect baby gear.

At Boston Moms, our team of over 30 contributors offer support and share their experiences in navigating pregnancy and postpartum. We have a dedicated All Things Baby Guide for pregnancy, postpartum and newborn care. From what you need for baby (and what you don’t). Whether you are a first-time mom or expecting another addition to your family, we have you covered.

Preparing for a baby and embracing motherhood can be a whirlwind, but being in Boston has its advantages. This vibrant city offers a wealth of resources, including renowned hospitals and birthing centers where you and your baby will receive exceptional care along with prenatal yoga options for mom’s well being.

Boston Moms is here to support you through all of the ups and downs of pregnancy and postpartum. And when you are enjoying those newborn snuggles tune into our podcast, Wicked Good Momcast for additional resources for new moms!

A few days after I moved to Massachusetts, my in-laws brought my 6-month-old son and me into Boston to play tourist in our new city. As is the case with many babies, my son needed to nurse several times throughout...
Until recently, I had never seen a positive home pregnancy test, yet my son was about to turn 2 years old. How can that be, you may wonder? Nearly six years ago, when we first decided to stop using...
Motherhood comes with a host of choices about what is best for you, your family, and your children. We at Boston Moms Blog are a diverse group of moms who want to embrace these choices instead of feeling guilty...
I started CrossFitting five months before I became pregnant with my daughter. It never once crossed my mind to stop exercising, and with the blessing of my midwives, my coaches, and the powers that be on the internets, I...
Whenever I'm asked about my son's birth, I preface the story with, "I'm crazy, but..." It's as if I want to soften the blow of what I did that day. I was to be induced, with Cytotec and Pitocin,...
I started CrossFitting five months before I found out I was pregnant, and it never once occurred to me that I might need to stop exercising when I saw the two pink lines on my pregnancy test. But as...
Motherhood comes with a host of choices about what is best for you, your family, and your children. We at Boston Moms Blog are a diverse group of moms who want to embrace these choices instead of feeling guilty...
Heather is a certified postpartum doula and mother of two boys, ages 7 and 11 months, and a girl, age 4. Her passion is to support families through the challenging transition of adding a newborn (or two!) by offering...
Motherhood comes with a host of choices about what is best for you, your family, and your children. We at Boston Moms Blog are a diverse group of moms who want to embrace these choices instead of feeling guilty...
In my journey to motherhood, I first had to let go of the ideal of getting pregnant “naturally” through a beautiful and romantic interaction with the love of my life. You marry another woman, that’s part of the deal. Doing...
I recently went to buy baby gifts for a dear friend who is due with her first baby. While I wistfully passed by rows of cute baby blankets, clothes, and toys, I restrained myself to get the good stuff...
Trying to feed our kids healthy foods is a conversation that never seems to end — in my family, with our pediatrician, with our friends. I have found myself having many, many conversations through the years about ensuring my kids are eating...

In Case You Missed It..

Meal Delivery Services for Every Mom — in Boston and Beyond!

Sometimes, putting dinner on the table is the hardest part of the day. Sometimes, mom needs a break! For those days when you want...