
Parenting- Boston Moms

In an ideal world, parenting would be effortless, with a guide for every situation. However, we all know that’s not the reality. Each child is unique, requiring special love, care, and nurturing. So, without a parenting manual, what can you do? That’s where Boston Moms comes in. Our team consists of more than 40 contributors from different backgrounds and family structures, bringing a diverse range of experiences from various walks of life and parenthood.

Parenthood is an amazing journey, filled with challenges and beautiful moments. The anticipation and mixed emotions during pregnancy mark the beginning of this transformative experience. The newborn phase brings sleepless nights and countless diaper changes, but oh, the incomparable joy of witnessing your baby’s first smile! As your little one blossoms into a curious toddler, the journey transforms into a whirlwind of managing tantrums, fostering independence, and cherishing their first words and wobbly steps. The school years unveil a whole new spectrum of challenges, as you navigate the delicate balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and the intricate world of social development. And as the teenage phase unfolds, their identity takes shape, boundaries are established, and the need for open communication becomes paramount. Every stage of motherhood, though it can be tough, strengthens the unbreakable bond between a mom and her child.

Our goal at Boston Moms is to be there for you during every stage of parenthood, offering resources and support. Whether you need guidance or just someone to be there, we want to walk alongside you in your parenthood journey.

I am terrified of caring for my aging parents.  It feels like being back in the newborn era and being handed a helpless, screaming baby who is now mine to care for. Except now, it's a formerly self-sufficient adult who...
Have you ever felt overwhelmed walking into a baby store? Do you suddenly feel short of breath, confused, and like you don't have a clue, so you may as well just stop trying to be a great parent now?...
We are nearing the end of Autism Awareness Month, but we're not quite at the end of this difficult period of isolation. It has been a very challenging time in my home, and I am sure almost everyone else...
"Mommy, I want the car!" Those are the five most dreaded words any mom can hear when entering the grocery store. Here are the people you can expect to see when you're lucky (or brave) enough to tackle the cute little car cart. 
elf on the shelf - Boston Moms Blog

Meet Nacho, Our Elf

I feel the mom fails commencing on Black Friday, just as we enter into the Christmas season. I love Pinterest, but I do not love Elf-on-the-Shelf Pinterest. I am a creative person and love crafts, but I just can't do it.
In my dozen years of parenting, I have found one clichéd statement to ring true. The days are long, but the years are short. I looked at my oldest son the other day and realized exactly how true this statement is....
Sometimes, I miss who I was. I'm a 36-year-old mother of three. My life these days consists of shuttling my kids between sports and school and making sure everyone is clean, dressed, and fed.   I do more laundry than should be...
My husband and I often joke about how people started to ask when we were having kids the day after we got married, and then as soon as my son was born they started to ask when we would...
Este artículo es una traducción al español por nuestra escritora Angie Martin. El artículo original también fue escrito por Angie bajo el título “Private Parts Are Not Bad Words.” Puedes encontrar el artículo original aquí. Algunas expresiones coloquiales del...
As I was preparing dinner last night I learned about what was happening in Paris. It's a city close to my heart for many reasons; I lived there, I'm part French, it's a culture that's deep within me. I tuned...
One of my twins is a breath-holder. Breath-holding is what it sounds like — a child involuntarily holds his breath in response to a physical or emotional trigger. They sometimes start to turn a little blue-ish — or pass...
Mother's Day is on May 8 this year, and the upcoming holiday has us all reminiscing about the various ways we became mothers. Here is one such birth story. My colleagues used to tease me that I treated pregnancy like...

In Case You Missed It..

My Kid Is Not On the Honor Roll — and I...

It's that time of year again. School graduations and parent-teacher conferences and awards ceremonies occur, and suddenly social media is flooded with pictures of...