breastmilk in bags, get pumped!

Get Pumped!

Note: This week is National Breastfeeding Week. We celebrate, support, and honor all ways moms choose to feed and nourish their children. I remember the day I opened my breast pump. I was a couple of weeks into the New...
I couldn't breastfeed my babies. In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I'm sharing my story about the decision I made.
In the beginning (the beginning before the beginning), breastfeeding is a holy thing. A sweet, perfect ideal. We're talking Madonnas with halos, black and white photography with blurred edges. It is cast in gold with amber glowing light. It's "best...
Thinking about using a doula for your next childbirth experience? Check out the Boston Moms Blog guide to doulas in Boston!
In my journey to motherhood, I first had to let go of the ideal of getting pregnant “naturally” through a beautiful and romantic interaction with the love of my life. You marry another woman, that’s part of the deal. Doing...
It's World Breastfeeding Week, and yes, breast is best for some people. Formula is best for others. Feed the baby, and don’t worry about what others say.
We all do it. We read the books and watch our friends and somehow unintentionally internalize everything the internet has to say on everything you should/shouldn't do as a parent (so that it sits there on our shoulder, passing...
At the end of March, my baby daughter caught that horrible cold that was going around. She had a fever and was so full of snot she could barely breathe through her nose. Nursing was tough for her, and...
I recently went to buy baby gifts for a dear friend who is due with her first baby. While I wistfully passed by rows of cute baby blankets, clothes, and toys, I restrained myself to get the good stuff...
When I made the decision to exclusively pump with my first son, I struggled to find information, tips, and tricks. I did a lot of things wrong. My second time around, I not only had my own struggles to build upon, but a growing number of resources online and more lactation consultants informed about its best practices. Here's what I have learned from two exclusive-pumping journeys.
Until about two minutes ago, I didn't know who Chrissy Teigen was. I still probably wouldn't be able to pick her out of a lineup, unless of course the lineup was comprised of normal people, because she's surely taller, more bronzed,...
I exclusively breastfed both of my children. It was a commitment I made, and I'm proud of myself for doing it. But if anyone asks, I downplay it. I joke that it's cheaper than formula, or that I'm just...

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