The Season of the Elves

elves - Boston Moms

If you visited Target or any craft store over the last few months, you know Christmas time has been “almost here” since about Halloween. My family kicks off the season Thanksgiving weekend with the Rockland Holiday Stroll. The main street in Rockland Center shuts down and fills with families and dogs dressed for Christmas! Santa and Mrs. Claus ride in a fire truck as part of a mini-parade complete with dancers. Plus, there are K9 drug-sniffing-dog demonstrations and local food vendors. The businesses on Union Street open up with different activities and treats for the kids.

The stroll night also means our Christmas elves return to our home and bring us our matching family pajamas! Before we cuddle up and watch “The Polar Express,” the kids search through the house to find the hidden elves. Our elves aren’t your standard “Elf on the Shelf” — no, ours are hand-painted glass figurines passed down from my husband’s Nana and Grandpa, to his mother, to him. They’re in sleeping position because they travel every night to report back to Santa. If you touch them, they “turn to glass.” My stepkids creatively named the elves “Red” and “White.”

My mother-in-law shared that the elves could “pop up” anywhere after Thanksgiving when she was a girl. She is the oldest of three and remembers the elves were present at dinner time and bedtime. (Clearly, they know when they are needed most.) Her parents would move them when they weren’t paying attention — because they can move at super speed! This is an important and fun part of them being around, because the kids really love when they move. There is even a video of my stepkids when they were small shrieking with glee because one of the elves moved while they were in the same room.

Their arms may not pose, and you can’t change their outfits. But their presence in our home each year represents something beyond staying on track for the “nice list.” They are a part of an important tradition that our kids will remember and hopefully pass on to their own children. Now full-on tweens, my stepkids will get to experience the Christmas season in a whole new way, because their little brother will soon discover what Christmas means — Santa and the magic of the elves.

Early to Rise: A Window into My Life at 5:40 A.M.

coffee, early to rise - Boston Moms

I cherish my early mornings. Those minutes before the kids’ wake-up clock turns green are all mine. They help me stay sane. Here’s a window into my “early to rise” mornings — or a week’s worth of them, anyway — and what you can find me doing at 5:40 a.m. as I try to hold all the pieces together. This is not a tale of heroism. In fact, it might be a tale of foolishness. Though I bristle when I hear myself use the word “busy” to describe my life, here I am… busy. 

Monday: Drinking coffee. Grading papers.  

Every weekend, I bring home a stack of middle school math papers, and I think to myself: “You’ll grade these.” Some weekends, I find a chunk of time to do it. This past weekend, I didn’t. Oops. 

Tuesday: In the pool.

I love swimming before school. I never swam competitively, but I look forward to my time alone in the pool and the ensuing smell of chlorine. It reminds me that for a few minutes of the day it was just me and the water.

Wednesday: Drinking coffee. Prepping dinner. 

I have oodles more energy in the morning than I do after a day of teaching, so if I can come home to a dinner that is all ready for us — and use the energy I have left to play with kiddos — I am in heaven. Especially if it is slow cooker turkey quinoa chili. 

Thursday: Drinking coffee. Reading about school bullying laws. 

That plate that is a little too full? That would be the grad school class I am taking this fall. I do not have time in my workday to do my school work, so this is where it fits. 

Friday: On a treadmill.

In the “how we parent and stay ourselves” division of time and labor, Tuesday and Friday mornings are mine to be off duty from the kids while my husband is “on call.” On good days, I use that “early to rise” time to work out. 

Saturday: Making a grocery list (and, you guessed it — drinking coffee!)

Family dinners are important to me, and I like to make sure we have what we need on hand. 

Sunday: Snuggling with my daughter. 

Usually, she sleeps until a little past six. Other days, she’s early to rise and ready to take the world by storm. Generally, she wakes up her brother if we let her cry, so I’ll take the extra cuddles now while she’s little. Now if I could just get someone to bring me my coffee…

Documenting Your Family’s Holiday Story Through Photos

family holiday photos - Boston Moms

Ah, Christmas. The lights! The presents! The snow! The cookies! The list of ways to celebrate is endless. When my daughter was first born I was so busy planning and executing that I would forget to pick up my camera until Christmas morning. In more recent years I’ve gotten a bit wiser, and I’ve started taking pictures much earlier. In fact, I pick up my camera in mid-November and don’t put it down until January.

Getting started (early!)

Let’s start at the very beginning. Holidays are rarely a one-day event. Part of what makes this time of year so memorable (and stressful) is the build up — all the little things you and your family do in anticipation of the big day. As you start gearing up for the holiday, consider what feelings and moments you want to remember.

Do you have a religious connection to the holiday, or do you take a secular approach? Do you spend the days, weeks, and months prior shopping for the perfect gifts? Don’t forget the food! The baking, the cooking, the dirty dishes. Do you travel, or does everyone come to you? Are there people you only see during the holidays? Don’t wait until the day of to start snapping photos. If you want to capture all the joy, chaos, helpful hands, magic, and meltdowns, you need to start NOW.

family holiday photos - Boston Moms

About a month before Christmas, my daughter starts making her list. This year it includes such items as American Girl Doll accessories, a giant crystal, a robot unicorn that can shoot play cupcakes out of its mouth, and a pack of gum. I found this list laying among a pile of Legos, baby dolls, and books. I could have moved it to a cleaner spot, but leaving it on this pile of disorganized toys sets a much better scene. By including these details, I can tell multiple stories at once.

Who is celebrating with you

My kids don’t need anything for Christmas but they definitely want many, many things. This leads me to the next task — introducing the characters. Do you have a baby who can do little more than goo goo and ga ga next to the Christmas tree? A toddler who wants to be helpful with the most fragile ornaments? Teenagers who are too cool for anything other than texting adjacent to the tree? What role does your partner play? Or is the whole of the holiday left in your hands? Does extended family join you?

A few years ago, my son insisted on helping with the tree. He was 16 months old! But he found one of his chairs and placed it next to the tree. He climbed right up and did his best to adorn the tree. Let’s just say we’re lucky the tree stayed standing that year.

family holiday photos - Boston Moms

An important note: Please don’t forget about the adults. It’s easy to only photograph the children — I’m guilty of this myself. This year, it is my Christmas resolution (is that a thing?) to focus on the grown-ups.

The morning of

When it comes to the main event, there can be so much pressure to document every single moment. But I encourage you to rethink this idea. Last year I took ten photos of Christmas morning. TEN! That’s it! The photo below is my favorite. I snuck downstairs and waited for my kids to join me. In the foreground you can see my daughter running for the tree. In the background is my son, who was very nervous because he was worried Santa would still be downstairs! Then you see my husband reaching out a hand to help him. All those pieces are what I want to remember about last Christmas.

family holiday photos - Boston Moms

A note about light

Let me state the obvious — it’s dark in the winter. Sometimes your photos will be dark. It’s OK! Embrace it. The intensity and quality of the light changes throughout the year. Use that to set the tone and add mood to your story. In the image above, we know it’s dark outside because no sunlight is coming into the room. The lights on the tree and the light at the top of the stairs are the only lights illuminating my family. In the image below, only Christmas lights shine on my daughter and the car. You don’t need anything more to tell the story.

family holiday photos - Boston Moms

I know what you’re thinking. When do we get to the presents! Well, I’m going to say something wacky and suggest you put the camera down during the unwrapping of the presents. This is for two reasons: First, you will want to watch with your bare eyes as your family unwraps their presents. And second, these moments don’t usually photograph well. If you want to snap one or two of the kids tearing into an especially exciting gift, then do it! But I guarantee you that you don’t need 150 pictures of your kids unwrapping gifts. What you do need is a picture of the aftermath: The living room floor covered in ribbons and wrappings, and your kids playing with their new toys or, let’s be honest, the box.

family holiday photos - Boston Moms


An Open Letter to the Ladies Who Sat Next To Us at a ‘Family-Friendly’ Restaurant

open letter - Boston Moms Blog

Dear older ladies who were sitting in the booth behind us,

You might recall the early fall evening the two of you went to dinner at a local chain restaurant that caters to families and people of all ages. Perhaps you two go for an early supper here often; I don’t know. But this one particular night, when I decided to take my children there, we were booth neighbors.

I was mindful and present with my children that evening. I will be the first to admit this is something I work on all the time. Life sometimes feels chaotic as a mother of two with tons on her plate, but on this outing, I was present. We had fun coloring the children’s menus. We played a game or two. And we ate our food after devouring the delicious bread buns. My kids, who are 7 and 4, were actually not causing any trouble. For most of the evening.

But all of a sudden, right when I decided to take my cell phone out of my purse to text my husband and see if he was headed home from work, things took a different turn.

My active 7-year-old son started playing with the seat cushion he was sitting on, hitting it with open hands and moving his body side to side. I was texting my husband, so I did not notice this typical age-appropriate behavior. But it bothered you. So one of you, who shared a backrest with my son, turned around and with your voice raised said “Stop!” to my son. He immediately stopped and looked like a deer in headlights. I immediately stopped and stared at you, then him, then you again. You said “Thank you” and turned around to return to your food.

But I kept watching. And I could see that both of you were talking about what had just happened. I could see one of you shaking your head and muttering. And I wished I could have gotten up right then and there and said something. But I didn’t. And here’s why.

Your judgment of my parenting does more damage than you think.

I could have gotten up and told you that you should not yell at my son. I also could have told you he had been “good” all night and asked why you lost your temper so easily at this one behavior that bothered you.  Finally, I could have said that I only let things go for a few seconds because I was texting my husband, even though you might have thought I was an absent-minded parent. But that would feel like making excuses.

The fact of the matter is, all those reasons above are not why I am writing you this letter. What you and your friend did after yelling at my son has stuck with me to this day. And I do not know if writing this letter will make it go away.

See, things have changed a lot. Parents of young kids these days can be distracted — myself included. We have a lot going on, and technology and social media have created an additional burden on us despite all the ways they have made life easier. In part because of all the information we have available, we are constantly judging ourselves. Moms in particular struggle with comparing themselves and their parenting abilities to those of everyone they follow on Instagram or are friends with on Facebook.

And when we are judged by older women who probably think they were better mothers back in the day, we get angry. We get defensive. And we might know, intellectually, that we were not wrong or deserving of judgment. But we still think about your judgment. And we wonder if you were right. We judge ourselves and keep revisiting the incident to see if we could have done something different.

And THAT is what hurts most.

So I want to ask you, fellow family-friendly restaurant patrons, to please be a little more tolerant. Please keep in mind that we moms are already having a hard time believing in our parenting abilities 100% of the time. Please refrain from offering comments and making faces and muttering under your breath. Because we can see you, and it hurts.

A mom of two who is trying really hard to be the best she can be

Staying Calm and Present This Holiday Season

Staying Calm and Present Over the Holiday Season - Boston MomsIn mid-October, I walked into a local craft store looking for Halloween decorations. Instead of spooky and creepy decor, I came face to face with a full-on visual spectacle of the winter holidays. I was flabbergasted. Halloween had already been reduced to a bin of useless junk in the clearance aisle. By the end of the evening, I found myself holiday shopping on Amazon!

This experience propelled me into thinking about the impending winter holidays. As a pregnant mother of four small humans, I needed to think about how I would go about maintaining sound mind, body, and words. I want to avoid the holiday stress and instead experience the joy that is available this time of year. So I’ve put together a plan for staying calm and present this holiday season. 

First, we do not need to do all the things. 

It is so easy to get sucked into all the cute holiday activities going on. Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram hijack our rational thinking and convince us we need to do all the holiday things. Our social media feeds tell us everyone is singing and gifting and reading and baking and hosting and attending and sending and traveling, so we think we need to fit it all in as well. Wrong.

Let’s stop now before it starts. We do not need that noise in our holiday life. Close the curtains and shut the doors. Stay calm, sit down with your family, and decide what really matters. It’s OK if our plans look different from our neighbors, friends, and colleagues. We do not have to do something grand every day leading up to the holiday, nor do we need to feel guilty if “it” doesn’t happen. 

Schedule an extra therapy session or two. 

If you have yet to jump on the bandwagon of this non-embarrassing, super helpful, and extremely important form of personal care, the holiday season is a great time to practice staying calm by chatting with a personal therapist. I have had one for years (I signed on before having my third child as a preventative measure) and find it to be one of the most stabilizing, centering, and effortless ways of caring for myself.

Having a non-judgmental, unbiased, and reliable ear to hear me out in my good and bad times makes it all a bit more manageable. I typically talk about what I’m doing, what I’m planning, and how it’s going. I rarely go deep. It makes a difference to get the junk and mind-noise out verbally. To navigate this holiday season without giving in to the stress (third trimester with baby number five) will be challenging, so I’m making sure I’m venting to her and not the people I want to be celebrating with. 

Exercise or do something that empties your mind. 

When our minds are clear we can think clearly. For me, after sweating it out for 45 minutes, I often find that pointless thoughts and ideas have been released, and I can move forward more lightly and knowingly. Maybe exercise isn’t your thing but you love creating art or playing music. Maybe you need some coffee alone at a local coffee shop before you begin your to-do list. Or maybe meditation is your gig. Whatever it is, do it with intention this holiday season.

Decide gift-giving boundaries — and let others know. 

You do not owe everyone a gift, and you certainly don’t have to engage in the stress of plastic-toy-junk-buying spree that is in our faces every day of December. Let’s decide ahead of time how, why, and for whom we want to gift. We can gently and lovingly let others know our plans if necessary.

Plan out a schedule at the start of the season. 

Decide which days your family will engage in holiday events. You do not have to do something every day. You won’t miss out by not participating on a given day. As soon as you step out of your home you will be able to enjoy the lights, music, advertisements, decorations, and constant reminders! So decide when will you decorate, which days you will go somewhere special, when you will bake cookies, when you need to order your cards, and what gifts you need to get. 

If the holiday season doesn’t go the way you envision, there’s always next year. Let’s not forget that the season is about the joy and the meaning of our holidays, not the junk, or the events, the stress, or all the things. You do the holidays your way, I’ll do them mine, and everyone else can go about it their way. Let’s go into this holiday season happy and excited with sound mind and presence so we can enjoy our children, our faiths, and our families — and a little of all the extras.


The Getting-Out Guide :: Boston’s Best Activities for Families This December

Hello, December! The holiday season is upon us! The Boston area is brimming with fun things to do in the chilly weather. Bundle up, and get ready for a fun-filled month ahead!

Check out our guide to December, sponsored by the JCC Greater Boston! We encourage you to join the JCC Greater Boston for upcoming PJ Library Lights Up Chanukah events. You can find more information here.

In addition to this guide, our calendar has daily events listed to keep you active and entertained this month!

We’ve also included links to area libraries and recurring events. We know this is not a comprehensive list, so if you think of any fun family activities we missed, please share them with us in the comments.

If you are looking to connect with other moms near you, make sure to join our Community & Conversation Group!

December 1–January 4 :: Hot Chocolate with the Reindeer :: Stone Zoo, Stoneham

Have an up close encounter with the beautiful reindeer, and learn some amazing facts about them too! Guests can customize their cocoa with festive toppings from the hot chocolate bar, enjoy some cookies, have their photo taken with the reindeer, and enjoy exclusive early entry to ZooLights.

December 1–29 :: Gardens Aglow :: Heritage Museums & Gardens, Sandwich

Heritage’s expansive gardens will be aglow with beautiful light displays, extensive indoor holiday décor and numerous activities around the grounds and galleries. This year visitors can expect expanded lighting displays and outdoor interactives, along with all of your favorites from previous years!

December 4 :: Meet Fancy Nancy Illustrator Robin Preiss Glasser :: The Blue Bunny Books and Toys, Dedham

Robin Preiss Glasser actually wore tiaras and tutus when she danced with the Pennsylvania Ballet! She put away the fancy clothing, and switched over to Fancy Nancy! Her illustrations have won the Children’s Choice Award for Best Illustrator of the Year for Fancy Nancy and the Mermaid Ballet. Come meet her at the Blue Bunny Books and Toys!

December 5 :: Frozen Wonderland :: The Children’s Museum in Easton

Enjoy a day of play at the Easton Children’s Museum, and meet your favorite Snow Queen while you are there! Elsa will be in attendance to meet and take pictures with families. Guests will also have the opportunity to design their very own frame for their pictures and create keepsake ornaments.

December 6–8 :: SOWA Winter Festival :: SoWa Art + Design District, Boston

‘Tis the season for the fourth annual SoWa Winter Festival. Now over two weekends, join for the biggest winter shopping village and holiday festival in Boston. You’ll find the perfect handmade gifts, sip on winter cocktails, and discover the best of the SoWa Art + Design District. The SoWa Winter Festival is family friendly and free to attend.

Through December 22 :: Miracle on 34th Street :: Greater Boston Stage Company, Stoneham

If you really believe, anything can happen. When Kris Kringle agrees to serve as a last-minute replacement for Santa in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, he is so convincing that he is offered a job as the Santa for Macy’s department store. He claims to be the real Santa Claus, but can he convince the doubters, including a little girl longing to find something to believe in? Come find out at the Greater Boston Stage Company’s production of Miracle on 34th Street!

December 7–24 :: Boston Pops Holiday Pops Kids Matinees :: Symphony Hall, Boston

These special family concerts include a children’s singalong and post-concert photos with Santa. For those seated at the floor tables, there are special kid-friendly menu options along with holiday treats. The December 7 performance will be a sensory-friendly concert. The show is designed for all families with children or adults diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or sensory sensitivities. The concert will be a shortened 60-minute version of the regular Holiday Pops concert, with a flexible, non-judgmental environment.

December 8 :: PJ Library Lights Up Chanukah :: Framingham and Belmont

Join PJ Library for an imaginative, illuminated interpretation of Chanukah at Amazing Things Arts Center (160 Hollis Street) in Framingham from 10-11:30 a.m., and from 4 – 5:30 at Studio Cinema (376 Trapelo Road) in Belmont. This glowing Chanukah performance features singing, juggling and hula hoops to create mesmerizing, rhythmic patterns with light while telling the story behind the Festival of Lights.

December 10–11 :: Pentatonix Christmas Tour :: Agganis Arena, Boston

Join the chart-topping group as they tour with their new holiday album “Christmas Is Here!” A family favorite for sure!

December 12 :: Rupi Kaur :: Boch Center, Shubert Theater

Rupi Kaur is a poet, artist, and performer. At the age of five, her mother handed her a paintbrush and said, “draw your heart out.” At seventeen, she happened upon a local open mic night where she performed her first spoken word poem. While studying at the University of Waterloo, Rupi wrote, illustrated, and self-published her first collection, milk and honey. In the years since, milk and honey has sold over three million copies, been translated into more than 35 languages, and landed as a #1 New York Times bestseller. Come see her inspirational performance in Boston!

December 14 :: Kendall Square Holiday on Ice :: Kendall Square Community Skating Rink, Cambridge

The 11th annual Holiday on Ice celebration at Community Ice Skating includes free admission all day, free food, and a free show produced by Frozen Frog Productions. The show will feature holiday numbers as well as local and international competitors and world-class professional skaters. The festivities begin at 11 a.m. with free admission, and the ice skating show begins promptly at 2 p.m. Join for a fun show that is sure to get you in the holiday spirit! Skate rentals will be available at regular rates.

December 15 :: PJ Library Lights Up Chanukah :: JCC Greater Boston, Newton

Join PJ Library for an imaginative, illuminated interpretation of Chanukah at the Riemer-Goldstein Theater, Leventhal-Sidman JCC (333 Nahanton Street) in Newton from 10:30 a.m.–12 p.m. This glowing Chanukah performance features singing, juggling and hula hoops to create mesmerizing, rhythmic patterns with light while telling the story behind the Festival of Lights.

December 15 :: Knead Doughnuts Pop Up at EHChocolatier :: EHChocolatier, Cambridge

Back by popular demand, Knead Doughnuts of Providence, RI, returns to EHChocolatier on December 15! After selling out in record time at their first pop up, they will be bringing WAY more doughnuts, and offering hot cups of coffee and hot chocolate to keep you warm!

December 15 :: PJ Library Storymakers :: Bow Market, Somerville

Come with your kids for a fun and easy Sunday morning at Bow Market (1 Bow Market Way) in Somerville from 10:30–11:30 a.m. Meet in the lobby, next to In Season. Get your coffee and listen to some favorite PJ Library read-aloud books, sing songs, and do a hands-on project related to the story. Grab lunch or shop afterward in Bow Market’s many eclectic establishments.

December 15 :: PJ Library Lights Up Chanukah :: Elm Street School, Walpole

Join PJ Library for an imaginative, illuminated interpretation of Chanukah at Elm Street School (415 Elm Street) in Walpole from 4–5:30 p.m. This glowing Chanukah performance features singing, juggling and hula hoops to create mesmerizing, rhythmic patterns with light while telling the story behind the Festival of Lights.

December 18 :: PJ Library Celebrates Chanukah at Playgroup :: Temple Sinai, Sharon

Join PJ Library for a special Bagels and Books in celebration of Chanukah! Transform into a Maccabee at the craft station, enjoy holiday-themed stories, sing holiday songs and eat delicious snacks. For more information, contact [email protected] and join the JCC South Area Family Connection Facebook group.

December 18 :: Celebrate Chanukah at the MFA :: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Come together for an evening of art, music, and activities in celebration of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights. Immerse yourself in history and tradition with a tour of the MFA’s Judaica collection, catch an array of musical performances by artists from around the world, and view a one-of-a-kind menorah created by a local artist before participating in a community candle lighting.

December 20 :: PJ Library Celebrates Chanukah at Friday Playgroup :: Natick and Arlington

Drop into PJ Library playgroup for a special Chanukah-themed day! There will be songs, crafts, and treats to celebrate the festival of lights! The celebration will occur at Temple Israel in Natick from 9:45 – 11:15 a.m., and at Ready, Set, Kids! in Arlington from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.. For more information, contact [email protected] and join the JCC Metrowest Family Connection Facebook group.

December 21 :: Winter Carnival :: Waltham Recreation Department, Waltham

There will be a Carnival set up in the Auditorium of Waltham Rec! Guests will also enjoy bowling, Wii bowling, inflatables, crafts, laser tag, and more! The Night will end with a movie in Skate ‘n’ Scoot. Admission is FREE! The Paint Locker will be open for ornament decorating as well ($5.00 Large piece, 2 for $5 Small pieces). Snacks and pizza will also be available for purchase.

December 21 :: Get Your Craft On: Open Paint :: Hammer & Stain South Shore, South Easton

At this family friendly open paint, there will be designs for family, kids, and just about anyone. Tons of projects geared to gift making for everyone! Bring the kids in to make wood slice ornaments and the perfect handmade gift. If you would like a specific project/design prior please message [email protected] one week prior to the event.

Through January 5 :: Bird Park Reindeer Quest :: Bird Park, Walpole

Grab your snow shoes, hiking boots, or cross-country skis and get the family outside to seek out the four wooden reindeer sculptures hidden in Bird Park. See if you can find “Charlie,” “Anna,” “Billy,” and “Birdy” and leave a bell around the neck of the first one you spot! This is a self-guided program and bells can be found by the Bird Park Office (maintenance area, behind white house; park side). The quest is available dawn to dusk.

December 26 – 29 :: Disney On Ice Presents Celebrate Memories :: Dunkin’ Donuts Center, Providence

Join Moana on her high-seas adventure, dance with your favorite Toy Story friends, celebrate Elsa and Anna’s sisterly bond, and watch dreams come true for the Disney Princesses. Share the excitement and make new memories the whole family will treasure forever!

December 27 :: PJ Library Chanukah Mitzvah Meet-Up & Story Time :: Bacon Free Library, Natick

It’s Chanukah time! Join for holiday stories, games, songs, and treats at the Bacon Free Library. Light up a child’s life by bringing a book to donate to hospitalized kids, and make a special bookmark to go with it.

Through December 29 :: Disney on Ice Presents Worlds of Enchantment :: Agganis Arena, Boston

From wheels to waves, icy wonderlands to infinity and beyond, your family’s favorite Disney moments come to life at Disney On Ice presents Worlds of Enchantment!

December 28 – January 7 :: All Aboard! Trains at Science Park :: Museum of Science, Boston

The Museum’s seasonal tradition continues with All Aboard! Trains at Science Park. This fun-for-all-ages model train exhibit features classic winter landscapes and a hint of nostalgia. Miniature trains, snow-covered peaks, engaging hands-on activities, and even a few surprises await!

December 28 :: Luau Party with Moana :: South Shore Children’s Museum, Kingston

Come have a luau with Moana from 1 – 3 pm! Guests will make leis and create island body art and shell bracelets before they dance in a luau! There will also be ham and pineapple kabobs for a snack!

December 31 :: First Night Boston :: Boston

For 40 years, Boston’s First Night has been a cherished tradition and a signature event for the city, with artistic performances, the wonders of the season, and the beginning of a new year. Entertainment and special attractions will be focused in Copley Square and Boston Common. Many of the beloved traditions of First Nights past will be retained, including ice sculptures and light displays. In addition, arts and musical performances will take place in numerous inside and outside venues around the heart of the event.

Storytime at Showcase Cinema de Lux :: Patriot Place, Foxborough :: Tuesdays, 11 a.m.

This free weekly storytime takes place every Tuesday at Showcase Cinema de Lux. After a story reading, a special character makes a weekly appearance followed by a short movie.

Public Telescope Nights at New England Sci-Tech :: 16 Tech Circle, Natick :: Tuesdays and Fridays, 8–9 p.m.

The public is invited to join New England Sci-Tech for an evening of astronomy during the spring, summer, and fall months. Depending on staff availability, inside activities such as planetarium shows and visiting the astronomy classrooms may be available. Visitors are also invited to borrow smaller “starblast” telescopes to use on their own.

Urban Air Sensory Friendly Jump/Play Time :: Bellingham :: Sundays, 9 a.m.

This event is specifically designed for children with autism and special needs to enjoy time at the park and have a lot of fun without loud music and flashing lights! The lights will be white and music/video games turned off for those with sensory challenges during this time.

Family Night at Urban Air :: Bellingham :: Thursdays, 4–8 p.m.

Family Night is a crazy deal! Get four ultimate passes, four bottles of water, and one pizza for $79.99! It’s fun for the whole family!

Baby-Friendly Monday Matinees at the Capitol Theatre :: Arlington :: Mondays, 12–2 p.m.

The Capitol Theatre features a baby-friendly movie every Monday afternoon. Please check the theater’s Monday schedule to see what feature has been selected for parents and their infants.

Kids’ Art Club :: Dorchester :: Tuesdays, 4:30–5:30 p.m.

This club has a new art project at the library every Tuesday. Projects include collage self-portraits and artist’s books. Art Club projects are showcased in rotating displays in the library children’s room.

Nature Time at Blue Hills Trailside Museum :: Milton :: Thursdays, 10:30–11:30 a.m.

Introduce your preschool-aged child to nature with this fun program. Programs may feature a story, nature games, crafts, short walks outside, or meeting one of the museum’s animal residents. Meet, play, and learn with other area families. Each program runs for 45 minutes and meets most Thursdays. Museum admission is included with this program. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

JFN Free Friday Playgroup :: Natick :: Fridays, 9:30–11:30 a.m.

Bring the little ones and come join other parents and caregivers in the Metrowest area for a fun-filled morning of play and socializing. There are plenty of songs, activities, toys, snacks, and laughter, as both the children and their grown-ups build connections and lasting friendships.

Backyard and Beyond: Forest Fridays :: Acton :: Fridays, 10–11 a.m.

A great way for the whole family to enjoy time outdoors, the Forest Friday program is held outside, no matter the weather. Every Friday morning there is a nature-based activity based on the weather and season, either in Discovery Woods or out on the adjacent conservation land. All ages are welcome but activities are designed for 2- to 6-year-olds. Please note that the conservation land trails are not ADA or stroller accessible; please wear appropriate footwear and clothing.

Storytime at the Curious George Store :: Cambridge :: Fridays, 10:30–11 a.m.

Small children and their caregivers are welcome at these weekly storytimes, running throughout the year.

SaturPLAY :: Rose Kennedy Greenway – Chinatown :: Boston :: Select Saturdays, 1–3 p.m.

The Asian Community Development Corporation’s youth program, A-VOYCE, hosts a placemaking event monthly to activate and bring children to The Greenway’s Mary Soo Hoo Park. Each month features a different theme with games, activities, crafts, and more. Youth volunteers are on hand to engage children. SaturPlay is subject to weather conditions.

ImprovBoston Family Show :: Cambridge :: Saturdays, 4–5 p.m.

Improv Boston’s improv and music extravaganza is completely made up on the spot every week based on your suggestion. No two shows are alike! Best of all, children who want to participate have opportunities to be on stage and take part in the fun! The show is ideal for family outings, birthday parties, and school field trips. It’s fun for the whole family and best for children ages 4-12.

guide to december pinterest

Giving Thanks for Dirty Diapers

I try to maintain an attitude of gratitude. I try to be aware of the many blessings in my life. Some days, it is easier than others to maintain this awareness. When my children were in the newborn period, it was definitely a challenge. But Thanksgiving is a perfect time to reflect, take pause, and really think about what we have to be thankful for.

I am so thankful for my amazing daughters, my loving and supportive husband, and my community. I am so grateful for the laughter, the songs, and the hugs that are constant in my life.

And I am thankful for… dirty diapers.

Yes, I am thankful for dirty diapers. I am so thankful for dirty diapers. For a long time, my daughter was constipated, and she suffered such pain and agony when she pooped. When I see the success of a dirty diaper and I know her body is working smoothly, I am thankful. More importantly, I am thankful I am able to afford diapers when so many must go without. Yes, they are a pain and they are expensive, and I feel privileged.

I am thankful for a sink full of dirty dishes.

Those dirty dishes came from another family meal we got to have together. And as chaotic as the prep work and clean up may be, family meals are a priority in my house and something we all enjoy. We use this time to reflect on our days, build our family identity, and develop positive eating habits. No matter what is going on in our day, the family meal — and the dishes it creates — is like the beacon that brings us together. And I’m thankful to have the life that allows me the time and resources to provide this.

I am thankful for my messy house.

My house is not a museum. My house has a “lived-in” look. And that’s because, well, it’s lived in! My kids play in my house. We have books all over the place. I have clothes that are yet to be put away on the couches. And those couch cushions have seen better days after being used as obstacle course props. I could use more of my free time to clean up. But I don’t want to. I want to be with them, playing and reading. And I know that’s so much more important. And I’m thankful I know that.

This Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for?

When Thanksgiving Is Hard :: Gratitude in a Difficult Season

Thanksgiving - Boston Moms BlogHalloween has come and gone, and that means we’re moving right into what many consider to be the happiest (and often busiest) time of year — the holidays. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and soon the kids will be coming home with hand turkeys, pilgrim crafts, and adorable paragraphs about all the things they are grateful for this year.

It is a special time of year — one that is usually heartwarming and encouraging. But what happens when you and your family are in a difficult season or had a tough year?

There are so many reasons Thanksgiving can seem difficult:

Maybe you or your spouse lost a job, and the search for a new one seems endless.

Maybe you lost a pregnancy this year.

Maybe it’s another year of wishing you were pregnant.

Maybe someone in your family is sick, and the road ahead seems dark and uncertain.

Maybe you lost someone in your family this year, and you’re still struggling with how to move forward.

It can be easy (and completely understandable) to feel overwhelmed when life has been hard for your family. Giving thanks can feel difficult, paralyzing, or maybe even impossible.

There is no magic solution to making it through a difficult Thanksgiving or holiday season. Our family is facing such a season ourselves this year. But I will say that for us there is comfort in taking time to stop and recognize the blessings we do have — even when these can sometimes feel overshadowed by the sadness of the past few months.

Start small.

Start by taking it one day at a time. Each night at dinner you can have each family member share something they are grateful for — just from that day. Did someone wash your breakfast dish for you? Did someone share their snack with you today? Or did someone text you just to check in?

Focus on the ones who “showed up.”

If there can be a silver lining to challenges in life, perhaps it is the reminder of how many people in your life genuinely love you and will do anything they can to make your pain a little more manageable. Maybe it’s your mom circle who took turns watching your kids so you could handle the life things you needed to do; maybe it’s your co-workers who organized a meal train to make sure you didn’t have to worry about cooking; or maybe it was friends from far away who sent UberEats gift cards for the nights when cooking dinner just wasn’t in the cards. Though of course you wish you never had to learn how kind and loving these people are, focus on the kind acts that appeared in the midst of dark days.

Be gentle with yourself.

It’s hard to be in a season of gratitude when life has been overwhelming for your family.  It is especially hard when you’re the mom and you also have to take care of everyone in your family. Make sure to take time for yourself, too. If it means a movie afternoon for the kids, that’s OK. If it means dropping the kids off with a friend so you can grab a cup of coffee and wander around Target, that’s OK. If it means changing up your family tradition this year and doing something different, that’s OK. I lost my dad as a teenager, and I still remember that we spent our first Thanksgiving without him staying in a hotel where our main focus could be swimming in a pool in November. That was what we needed that year, and that was OK.

Do what works for you and your family this Thanksgiving season — worry about next year, next year. In the meantime, try to find those little moments of light in the darkness and be grateful for each one.

Light It Purple for Prematurity Awareness Month

November is National Prematurity Awareness Month.

Approximately 15 million babies are born prematurely each year. This means roughly one in ten babies will be born preterm worldwide. More than one million of these babies do not survive their preterm birth. This can be an extremely scary and stressful situation for families affected by preterm births. And there are many medical complications associated with prematurity, like immature lungs, difficulty regulating body temperature, poor feeding, and slow weight gain.

Despite seeing sustained improvement in preterm birth rates, the U.S. has one of the highest rates of preterm births of any industrialized nation. The first step in eradicating prematurity is to raise awareness. Organizations like the March of Dimes keep stats on preterm births, invest time and resources into communities to provide better maternal and infant care, and focus efforts on addressing disparities and improving equity in communities with programs focused on specific populations including African-American, Hispanic, Asian-Pacific Islander, and Native American.

The March of Dimes also does extensive research on the statistics of preterm births in each state and determines letter grades for each state based on the metrics they measure. Massachusetts earned a B for 2018, with a total of 8.9% percentage of preterm births statewide. Additionally, the March of Dimes metrics include a disparity ratio to measure and track progress and improvements toward the elimination of racial and ethnic disparity in preterm birth. Massachusetts’ racial disparity ratio is currently at 1.20, which means the numbers have remained the same from previous years. In Massachusetts, the preterm birth rate among black women is 27% higher than the rate among all other women.

But there is still more work to be done.

Throughout the month of November, Prematurity Awareness Month events are scheduled nationwide. These events include professional education programs, family gatherings, and prominent buildings in several states shining in purple light to symbolize hope for a healthy start for more babies. World Prematurity Day is observed annually on November 17 to acknowledge the journeys of preterm infants and their families. It is important to raise awareness, as the evidence of preterm birth worldwide is increasing rapidly.

Other things we can do in the fight for the health of all moms and their babies include:

  • Advocating by signing a petition created by the March of Dimes. It encourages lawmakers to improve the health of moms and babies by passing a comprehensive maternal health package.
  • Donating to the March of Dimes — $25 provides a meal to a family with a baby in the NICU, $50 helps NICU babies build bonds with their families through programs that give parents the chance to nurture them even during a hospital stay, and $75 provides quality prenatal care to a mom at risk.
  • Share your story on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using hashtags like #PrematurityAwarenessMonth, #ItsNotFine, and #WorldPrematurityDay.
  • Light it purple, wear purple in solidarity, and share pictures on social media.
  • Volunteer in your community. More information can be found at

An Attitude of Gratitude This November and Beyond

In early recovery, I learned that one tool to always keep in my toolbox is an attitude of gratitude. Being grateful is a simple attitude with a profound effect. It reminds me of the good in my life when days are full of chaos and tantrums. Being grateful begins with me, ends with me, and allows others to get the best version of me — the thankful one.

This year, I am thankful for many things. In no particular order, my gratitude list looks like this:

My family

My husband, my daughters, my dog, my cat, and beyond. We are far from perfect, but we are perfect together. I am thankful for the arguments, for the discussions, for the love, and for the support. I am even thankful for my 3-year-old’s tantrums, because they remind me that she is strong-willed, determined, and passionate.

My parents

They live upstairs from us, and they are essential to our daily lives. Nana and Pepere play a huge role in my daughters’ lives, and for that, I feel so much gratitude. The bond I see between my girls and my parents is amazing: 18-year-old me could have never imagined wanting to live with my parents as an adult; 38-year-old me can’t imagine living any other way.

My job

I often describe it as a 6-year-old’s dream come true, and that is completely accurate. While I may not enjoy every day, every class, or every student, I truly enjoy going to work and the career I am blessed with. I can’t imagine doing anything different with my life, and I’m so happy that my first grade teacher (and so many others) inspired me to follow in her footsteps.

My diabetes

Yes, I know this one sounds weird, but my type 1 diabetes has made me the woman I am today. I wouldn’t be so determined or resilient without having lived with diabetes for the past 27 years. It has taught me to get up and move when I have to, and to slow down and take care of myself when I need to. Diabetes has been with me for so long that I am not sure I would know how to live life without it (but I’ll definitely be willing to try as soon as they come up with a cure!).

My girlfriends

They are as near as another town and as far as Montreal and Los Angeles, and without them, my life would be incomplete. My friends help me stay grounded. They allow me to vent and to brag. They trust me to listen and advise. My friends are my family, and I am so very lucky to have them to accompany me on the journey of life.

It’s easy to have an attitude of gratitude during the month of November.

It’s when many begin to reflect on the past year and prepare for Thanksgiving. But feeling gratitude doesn’t have to begin and end in November — it can last throughout the year. You can keep a personal gratitude list, or you can start a group email with people you love and trust and commit to sending an email, either daily, weekly, or monthly — whatever works for you and your family or friends.

What are you grateful for today?


Welcome to Boston Moms!

Boston Moms Blog has gotten a makeover!

We are so excited to welcome you to the new Boston Moms.  Same heart, soul and mission with a fresh new look!  We are honored to be a part of your parenting journey!

Make sure you are following us on our updated social channels, linked below!

Type 1 Mom :: World Diabetes Day

Type 1 diabetes - Boston Moms Blog


The blaring alarm from my iPhone jolts me awake. It’s 12:38 a.m. It is not time to wake up. I swipe up and enter my password because I know my face ID will not work in the dark. I tap on my Dexcom app. I’m 58 with an arrow pointing down. I reach for a mini juice box, suck it down, and drop my head onto my pillow. My Dexcom is my continuous glucose monitor. I wear a sensor on my body (usually my arm) at all times. It checks my blood sugar every five minutes and sends the result to my phone. Based on the result, my phone either keeps quiet or alerts me of a high or low blood sugar.

Forty-five minutes after the first alarm, the same alarm wakes me, but this time I’m out of juice boxes. I stagger out of bed, using my insulin pump as a flashlight. I make my way to the kitchen and ransack the pantry. I eat Oreos, Lucky Charms, pastries from the party over the weekend, and a Nutrigrain bar. This is way too much, but I am half asleep, sick of low blood sugars, and intent on going back to sleep until the morning. Instead, my alarm sounds two hours later, and now my blood sugar is 207 and rising. I proceed to dial up an insulin dose, ignoring the suggestion of the pump, and instead decide on five units of Novolog. I finally fall back asleep.

The yo-yo of Type 1 diabetes, this time caused by my over-treatment of a low blood sugar, doesn’t happen every night. But it does happen more than I like to admit.  

I’ve had Type 1 diabetes for over 27 years.

I’ve been through everything with it: middle school, high school, and college; puberty, my 20s, and now my 30s; relationships, single life, and married life; pregnancy, miscarriage, and motherhood. Since the summer I turned 11, my Type 1 diabetes has accompanied me on every adventure. This may sound like an exaggeration, but it truly is not.

Everything I do, or don’t do, is impacted by my Type 1 diabetes. 

When I wake up in the middle of the night, the first thing I do is check my blood sugar; then I check the baby monitors. When I decide to eat or drink, I have to determine the number of carbohydrates in the meal or beverage in order to correctly plan my insulin dose. Sometimes I am wrong, and that results in a high or low blood sugar. An hour after I eat, I check my blood sugar to see how that food and insulin dose are impacting my body. When I exercise, I either have to eat a snack or adjust my insulin. Type 1 diabetes does not give me a day off. Ever. In fact, there are days when, no matter how much I prepare, my Type 1 diabetes laughs in my face and does what it wants anyway. Those days are the worst. 

This is what my life is like with Type 1 diabetes — and this isn’t even half of it.

My 3.5-year-old knows that when my phone or my insulin pump alarms, mama’s blood sugar is either too high or too low. One day, she will know that “in range” means a blood sugar between 80–120. She knows that when I’m low, I need a juice box, candy, or something sweet. She knows when I’m high, I need my “medicine” (my insulin). She pretends to check her blood sugar and helps me change my medicine when my insulin pump needs to be filled.

Between being a person living with Type 1 diabetes and a mom of two young daughters, my life is busy. Introduce teaching high school English full time and trying to maintain friendships and relationships, and life seems nearly impossible. Both motherhood and Type 1 diabetes have challenged me to grow in ways I couldn’t have imagined. 

Strangely, I have a fine balance between rigidity and flexibility.

I must do certain things at specific times to maintain my health, but I must also be willing to adapt to given situations. I pack extra insulin, insulin pump materials, and low blood sugar treatments, right along with extra diapers, wipes, and clothes for diaper accidents. I take each day, each failure, and each victory one at a time. I forgive myself for high and low blood sugars as well as for losing my cool with my girls. I take time to take care of myself so I am available to take care of my family. While I would give anything for a cure for Type 1 diabetes, I know I would not be the woman and mother I am today without it. 

For more information about Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, check out American Diabetes Association.


In Case You Missed It..

5 Concerts to Take Your Kids to (That Aren’t Kids Bands!)

Live music is a fantastic experience, no matter your age! Who doesn't remember the excitement of seeing a band perform live on stage for the first time? Taking your kids to a live concert can be a bit tricky, though. There is only so much Kidz Bop a parent can take. But is a "real" concert going to be family friendly? Here are a few bands that put on a great show that will be loved by both the parents and the kids alike!