Pregnancy & Postpartum

Pregnancy and Postpartum: Boston Moms

Congratulations on the exciting journey of pregnancy and the upcoming arrival of your little one! This is a time filled with anticipation as you prepare to welcome a new life into the world. While it can feel overwhelming, especially for new moms, Boston Moms is a hub of resources from selecting care providers to finding the perfect baby gear.

At Boston Moms, our team of over 30 contributors offer support and share their experiences in navigating pregnancy and postpartum. We have a dedicated All Things Baby Guide for pregnancy, postpartum and newborn care. From what you need for baby (and what you don’t). Whether you are a first-time mom or expecting another addition to your family, we have you covered.

Preparing for a baby and embracing motherhood can be a whirlwind, but being in Boston has its advantages. This vibrant city offers a wealth of resources, including renowned hospitals and birthing centers where you and your baby will receive exceptional care along with prenatal yoga options for mom’s well being.

Boston Moms is here to support you through all of the ups and downs of pregnancy and postpartum. And when you are enjoying those newborn snuggles tune into our podcast, Wicked Good Momcast for additional resources for new moms!

I've always been a fan of Alyssa Milano. She's a great actress, she's definitely the best host "Project Runway: All Stars" has ever had, and she has a fantastic line of NFL apparel for women. But after her recent...
Pregnancy is a beautiful experience. It is also very physically demanding, and having older children only adds to the exhaustion. However, despite mom's tiredness and inability to care for the family in the ways her non-pregnant self could, the...
When my friends tell me they feel guilty when they're working or they worry they don't "do enough" as a stay-at-home mom, I tell them I understand. But in truth, I do not feel "mom guilt" — even when...
I started CrossFitting five months before I found out I was pregnant, and it never once occurred to me that I might need to stop exercising when I saw the two pink lines on my pregnancy test. But as...
When it’s my turn to help plan a baby shower, my event-planning background comes in handy! For even more ideas, I recently received some tips and tricks from the amazing Boston Moms team to ensure a fun, memorable, and...
Six years ago we brought our oldest son home from the hospital. Hours later, I sat in my living room, trying to help him latch. My cat plopped down in front of me and started lazily licking herself. She...
As we count down the weeks until baby number two joins us, my husband and I have been reminiscing about the newborn days. You know, that cute, squishy phase where all they do is eat, sleep, poop, pee, repeat? No toys,...
When I had my son 20 short months ago, I knew I wanted to breastfeed him. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. He was born early and had to stay in the hospital for two weeks...
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month is particularly difficult for me and the many others out there who have experienced this type of loss. Once I went public with my experience with recurrent pregnancy loss, I heard from countless friends...
breastmilk in bags, get pumped!

Get Pumped!

Note: This week is National Breastfeeding Week. We celebrate, support, and honor all ways moms choose to feed and nourish their children. I remember the day I opened my breast pump. I was a couple of weeks into the New...
How do you show up? I'm talking about your posture. Take a look. Stand in front of the mirror. What do you see?   I remember seeing my reflection in a window when my youngest was an infant. Rounded shoulders. Head forward. Is...
Boston is one of the best cities around when it comes to healthcare. So it's no surprise that when you're preparing to have a baby, your choice of Boston-area labor and delivery hospitals and birthing centers seems endless. For...

In Case You Missed It..

Mom Icons in TV and Film

Have you ever watched a show or movie and seen a character go through some sort of antic and thought, "Same!" Well, since becoming...